My goal with Y3s Y0u C4n to inspire others to do whatever it is they have wanted to but maybe haven't done yet. Or maybe to finish something already started. I believe most of us can do whatever we put our minds to. The challenge of letting go of our fears, thinking outside the box, trying new things, trying again even after we fail and never giving up can be hard. I suffer from these as much as anyone. That is part of what inspired me to do this blog.
I am 30, not old and not really young - granted matter of opinion I suppose, either way I have reached a wonderful point in my life. I live with my common law partner in crime in a nice house in a great location. We are exact opposite in almost everything accept our taste in movies and twisted humour, so we keep each other on our toes. ;) We have a beautiful daughter Anola, 11 mnths, (I am hoping we have one more - after that he wants to get "snipped" lol), he has another beautiful daughter Reagan who is going to be 10 this year. I have 2 dogs and 1 cat. Really I couldn't ask for much more... ok maybe a pool lol

Jokes aside I am very content with my life ..... accept for one small thing. My health. I am not "unhealthy" by societies standards. I am not really over weight, maybe a little chunky in the bum, but nothing serious. I walk almost every day for 2 miles or so plus work outs at home. I eat a pretty clean diet, make all my own foods from scratch and only indulging in junk food maybe 3-4 times a year. (Usually around holidays) But I still want more. I know I can do more. I feel it. And I WANT IT.
Have you ever had that. Something you really really really want. You know you can do it. You just need to buckle down, dirt to the grindstone sort of thing and you'ed have it. But for some reason you keep procrastinating. Maybe your like me a suffer from a little passive aggressiveness. Or maybe you just don't take enough time for yourself, or maybe you just haven't taken the time to really think about it period.
Well this is it for me. I want to set a good example for my kids and all those I affect. I want to prove to myself once and for all I can do it. Because if I can, ANYONE CAN. I mean that with every fiber of my being. Why because I am nothing special. Just your average every day person you see cruising around in an old rusty car with nothing to make me stand out more than the person next to you at the check out line.
That being said, this is no simple thing I want to do. I am not aiming to just lose 10 lbs for the summer to wear my bikini. No, what I want to do is change my lifestyle. Exercise more, eat better, get stronger, and most of all get healthier. I have a 5 year goal. When I am 35 my kids are in school and I have been work my butt off for 5 years I want to join every obstacle race and marathon with in driving distance of me.
And I don't care if I make it first or 121st but I do want to enjoy running by a few 20 yr old's in their prime to prove to myself that age doesn't matter when it comes to being in shape. Don't get me wrong I want everyone to do there best and if it meant running by some one or helping them I would help them first but when I am 35 I am sure it will feel good to smoke them too.

So this blog is to share my journey, have those reading help keep me focused and hold me accountable. I hate failing when people are watching, waiting and expecting me to finish and be successful. And at the same time I hope some of you share your dreams and success stories with me. Maybe you're on your own journey or want to start one. Let's help each other out and find a way to get there. I love the saying "Where there's a will, there's a way." No matter what your beliefs are or spiritual preference is there is usually a certain amount of faith and belief required. Whether you believe in yourself, God, Buddha or which ever it is we all need to believe because "Yes. You. Can."
I will try to post min. once a week. Maybe more if exciting things happen. I will post about foods I try, work outs, hiking trips and over all positive experiences. I think keeping a positive frame of mind when trying to complete a goal is important and I would love any positive stories that you may have. Maybe some will even let me share them here online. So tag along, follow me, join me or just watch silently. Which ever you choose Thanks for Reading.